Malcolm M Combe, Jayne Glass and Annie Tindley (eds), Land Reform in Scotland: History, Law and Policy

Published date01 January 2021
Date01 January 2021

This book is the third in the recently established “Scotland's Land” series published by Edinburgh University Press. The aim of the book is to provide a rounded view on land reform, tracking and analysing developments from the medieval period to the present day. The approach is multidisciplinary and the volume is split into three parts, history, law and policy, with each part containing several chapters by a range of contributors. In the introduction, the editors Combe, Glass and Tindley, explain the intention of the book is to support and inform the debate on land reform by providing the latest scholarly thinking on the subject from a variety of perspectives. This is a challenge in relation to land reform, which they describe as an “unsafe” area for academic study: “it is fraught with tension and remains highly emotive” (3). This description certainly rings true in relation to the legal aspects of land reform, where the veil between law and politics seems at its thinnest.

There is much in this volume of interest but in this review, I want to focus on two key strengths. The first strength is the location of the...

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