McPhail v Persons, Names Unknown; Bristol Corporation v Ross
Jurisdiction | England & Wales |
Judgment Date | 24 May 1973 |
Judgment citation (vLex) | [1973] EWCA Civ J0524-1 |
Date | 24 May 1973 |
Court | Court of Appeal (Civil Division) |
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82 cases
[1] Andre Winter as Personal Representative of Elpert Winter (Deceased) [2] Stephen Winter Appellants v Charles Richardson Respondent [ECSC]
...Graham and Another [2002] UKHL 30 applied. Wuta-Ofei v Danquah [1961] 3 All ER 596, Oceans Estates Ltd. v Pinder [1969] 2 AC 19, McPhail v persons, names unknown, Bristol Corporation v Ross and Another [1973] 3 All ER 393 distinguished. (5) Trespass is an injury to a possessory right. The r......
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1 books & journal articles
The Normativity of the Private Ownership Form their dealings with non-owners.(Indeed,see the concluding lines of the decision made by Lord Denning MR in McPhail vPersons Unknown[1973] Ch 447, 460).The point is that the law allows for this undesirable state of affairs to arise andthus authorises it.The Normativity of the Private Owne......