Method for automatic key concepts extraction. Application to documents in the domain of nuclear reactors

Published date04 February 2019
Date04 February 2019
AuthorSudarsana Desul,Madurai Meenachi N.,Thejas Venkatesh,Vijitha Gunta,Gowtham R.,Magapu Sai Baba
Method for automatic key
concepts extraction
Application to documents in the domain
of nuclear reactors
Sudarsana Desul
Khallikote University, Berhampur, India
Madurai Meenachi N.
Resource Management Group, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research,
Kalpakkam, India
Thejas Venkatesh and Vijitha Gunta
BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus, Hyderabad, India
Gowtham R.
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore Campus, Coimbatore, India, and
Magapu Sai Baba
National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, India
Purpose Ontology of a domain mainly consists of a set of concepts and their semantic relations. It is
typically constructed and maintained by using ontology editors with substantial human intervention. It is
desirable to perform the task automatically, which has led to the development of ontology learning
techniques. One of the mainchallenges of ontology learning from the text is to identify key conceptsfrom the
documents. A wide range of techniques for key concept extraction have been proposed but are having the
limitations of low accuracy, poor performance, not so exible and applicability to a specic domain.
The proposeof this study is to explore a new method to extract key conceptsand to apply them to literature in
the nucleardomain.
Design/methodology/approach In this article, a novel method for key concept extraction is
proposed and applied to the documents from the nuclear domain. A hybrid approach was used, which
includes a combination of domain, syntactic name entity knowledge and statistical based methods.
The performance of the developed method has been evaluated from the data obtained using two out of
three voting logic from three domain experts by using 120 documents retrieved from SCOPUS
Findings The work reported pertains to extracting concepts from the set of selected documents and
aids the search for documents relating to given concepts. The results of a case study indicated that the
method developed has demonstrated better metrics than Text2Onto and CFinder. The method
described has the capability of extracting valid key concepts from a set of candidates with long
Research limitations/implications The present study is restricted to literature coming out in the
English language and applied to the documentsfrom nuclear domain. It has the potential to extend to other
Practical implications The work carried out in the current study has the potential of leading to
updating International NuclearInformation System thesaurus for ontology in the nuclear domain. This can
lead to efcientsearch methods.
Received22 January 2018
Revised10 May 2018
8 August2018
Accepted12 September 2018
TheElectronic Library
Vol.37 No. 1, 2019
pp. 2-15
© Emerald Publishing Limited
DOI 10.1108/EL-01-2018-0012
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