Preston (formerly Moore) v President of the Methodist Conference
Jurisdiction | England & Wales |
Judge | Lord Wilson,Lord Carnwath,Lord Sumption |
Judgment Date | 15 May 2013 |
Neutral Citation | [2013] UKSC 29 |
Date | 15 May 2013 |
Court | Supreme Court |
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36 cases
- Kavanagh and Others v Crystal Palace FC (2000) Ltd and Others
- Sharpe v Worcester Diocesan Board of Finance Ltd and another
Sharpe v The Bishop of Worcester (in his corporate capacity) and at length. The most recent decision of the Supreme Court in Preston (formerly Moore) v President of the Methodist Conference [2013] 2 AC 163 was not available at the time of the employment judge's decision and therefore could not be considered by him. The employment judge then cons......
Ms R Moon v Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust: 2414248/2021 exist is itself dependent upon the intention of the parties: Preston (formerly Moore) v President of the Methodist Conference [2013] 2 AC 163. This is of particular significance where, as here, the core elements of the relationship are derived from statute [see Lady Hale SCJ in Gilham at......
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3 books & journal articles
Discipline in Religious Institutions
...Immoral and Improper: The Trial of Helen Percy (Glendaruel, Argyll, Scotland: Argyll Publishers, 2011). 51 Ibid . at para. 151. 52 [2013] UKSC 29. RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS AND THE LAW IN CANADA 322 special arrangements for the minister in question. 53 Where there is an intention to create a c......
Reconceiving Judicial Office Through a Labour Law Lens
...of Justice [2018] ICR 827(‘Gilham’).108. Gilham v Ministry of Justice [2016] UKEAT/0087/16/LA (31 October 2016) [9]–[10], [25].109. [2013] UKSC 29 (15 May 2013) [4].110. Gilham v Ministry of Justice [2016] UKEAT/0087/16/LA (31 October 2016) [15] (Lord Simler), quot-ing The President of the ......
John Bowen: On British Islam: Religion, Law, and Everyday Practice in Shari'a Councils; Iza Hussin: The Politics of Islamic Law: Local Elites, Colonial Authority, and the Making of the Muslim State
...Mission [2005] UKHL 73; NewTestament Church of God v. Stewart [2007] EWCA Civ 1004; President of theMethodist Conference v. Preston [2013] UKSC 29; Sharpe v. Bishop of Worcester[2015] EWCA Civ 399.2 R. Williams, `Religious and Civil Law in England' (2008) 10 Ecclesiastical Law J.262.3 Most ......