Northern Trains Limited 22 January 2025
Date | Fecha inválida |
Section | Disputed amendment to contracts (section 22a) |
Lo ui se B ei lby
Sen ior Ac ces s Exec utiv e
22 January 2025
Lysette Rowley
Kate Oldroyd
Franchise and Access Manager
Track Access Manager
Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd
Northern Trains Ltd
Baskerville House
George Stephenson House
Centenary Square
Toft Green
Broad Street
B1 2ND
Dear Lysette and Kate
57th Supplemental Agreement to the Track Access Contract between
Network Rail Infrastructure Limited (Network Rail) and Northern Trains
Limited (trading as Northern) dated 3 March 2016
Today we issued directions under section 22A of the Railways Act 1993 (the Act) to
Network Rail and Northern (jointly the ‘parties’) to enter into the above supplemental
agreement. The approval of this application will ensure continuity of service for
passengers using the local service between Leeds and Huddersfield and will give the train
operator certainty for the purposes of planning its business. This letter explains the
reasons for our decision.
The purpose of this supplemental agreement is to grant Northern the rights necessary to
operate part of a local stopping service between Leeds and Huddersfield. This service was
previously operated solely by TransPennine Trains (TPT), which has now surrendered the
relevant rights. Northern applied to operate these rights instead, so that the total quantum
of rights remains unchanged, and operation of the services is now shared between the two
operators. Given this surrender of and application for the same rights takes place between
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