Note from the Editor

Date01 March 1988
Published date01 March 1988
AuthorW. Dumon
The first issue of Vol. XXVI offers an excellent occasion to reflect on the global scope of
IM. In last year’s volume IM offered contributions from nearly all continents: North
America: (Canada, USA) as well as Latin America, Asia, Europe, Oceania. Africa was not
represented but, in research terms, one volume does not represent a fair sample. If we
look back at the last five years, Africa has been covered widely. Still, we intend to
concentrate more on that continent since the migration movements there are conside-
rable, both in terms of labour migration,
well as in the existence of an accute refugee
problem. The global approach of IM will be reflected in the Index, analyzing the
volumes published. Compiling such an index is an immense task, being carried out at this
moment by ICM Administration. We hope to be able
offer this Index to all IM
subscribers by the end
this calendar year.
This year being an ICM seminar year, IM will concentrate on the theme of the Eighth
Seminar: Impact of Migration on Social Structures.
W. Dumon

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