Author | Michael Plaxton |
DOI | 10.1177/1365712719893190 |
Published date | 01 January 2020 |
Date | 01 January 2020 |
Subject Matter | Noticeboard |
Michael Plaxton
University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Law reform and source material
Juries – Jury Instructions – Scotland, United Kingdom
Rachel Ormston, Professor James Chalmers, Professor Fiona Leverick, Professor Vanessa Munro,
Lorraine Murray, Scottish Jury Research: Findings From A Large-Scale Mock Jury Study (Scottish
Government, October 2019), cations/scottish-jury-research-fingings-large-
This important study was commissioned by the Scottish government to better appreciate (a) how “the
unique features of the Scottish jury system [affect] jury reasoning and jury decision making”; and (b)
how jurors make sense of the “not proven” verdict’, and choose between that verdict as opposed to
others. This is the largest mock jury study ever conducted in the United Kingdom, as may well be the
most realistic. The key “overarching” finding is that the way in which the jury system is “constructed”
makes an important difference to jury verdicts.
Juries – Social Media – Prejudicial Effect – Fair Trial – Tasmania, Australia
Tasmania Law Reform Institute, Issues Paper No 30: Jurors, Social Media and the Right of an Accused
to a Fair Trial (August 2019), https://w ts/pdf_file/0008/1259189/Ju rors-
This issue paper sets out a number of concerns arising out of the possible impact of social media on
the fairness of jury trials, and how such concerns might be addressed.
Ian Freckleton QC, Expert Evidence: Law, Practice, Procedure and Advocacy, 6th ed (Lawbook Co,
2019), ISBN: 9780455238425.
Erik Neilson and Andrea Dennis, Rap on Trial: Race, Lyrics, and Guilt in America (The New Press,
2019), ISBN: 1620973405.
Corresponding author:
Michael Plaxton, College of Law, University of Saskatchewan, 15 Campus Dr, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N5A6, Canada.
The International Journalof
Evidence & Proof
2020, Vol. 24(1) 100
ªThe Author(s) 2019
Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/1365712719893190
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