Ocular Sciences Ltd v Aspect Vision Care Ltd
Jurisdiction | England & Wales |
Judgment Date | 1997 |
Date | 1997 |
Year | 1997 |
Court | Chancery Division (Patents Court) |
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105 cases
Vestergaard Frandsen A/S and Others v Bestnet Europe Ltd and Others
...the point. 40 The case in which an injunction was refused on the ground that financial relief was an adequate remedy is Ocular Sciences Ltd v Aspect Vision Care Ltd & Ors [1997] RPC 289. In that case Laddie J refused at 404–407 to grant an injunction to restrain the use of confidential info......
Gamatronic (UK) Ltd and Another v Hamilton and Others
...(and perhaps are enjoying) profits, and (ii) what confidential information Vox are said to have used. As Laddie J said in Ocular Sciences Ltd v Aspect Vision Care Ltd, [1997] RPC 289, 359, "… it is well recognised that breach of confidence actions can be used to oppress and harass competit......
EPI Environmental Technologies Inc. and Another v Symphony Plastic Technologies Plc and Another
...to two decisions of Laddie J, namely CMI Centres for Medical Innovation, Dr Christoph von Keudel [1998] EWHC PAT 308 at 49 – 50 and Ocular Sciences [1997] RPC 289, 359. Those judgments respectively address allegations of dishonesty in breach of confidence cases and the caution against all......
Sealed Air Ltd v Sharp Interpack Ltd and Another
...to s213(4) in Albert Packaging at paragraphs 27–31. This included references to Farmers Build v Carier [1999] RPC 461, Ocular Sciences v Aspect Vision Care [1997] RPC 289 and Scholes v Magnet [2002] EWCA 561 (Civ). 84 Ms Edwards-Stuart reminded me of an observation of Laddie J in Ocular ......
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1 firm's commentaries
The Law Of Confidence In Malaysia
...[1971] 2 MLJ 89. Worldwide Rota Dies Sdn Bhd v Ronald Ong Cheow Joon [2010] 8 MLJ 297. Ocular Sciences Ltd v Aspect Vision Care Ltd [1997] RPC 289; China Road & Bridge Corporation v Dcx Technologies Sdn [2014] MLJU 406. The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to t......
9 books & journal articles
...37[1994] 3 SLR(R) 312. 38 Judicial Committee (Repeal) Act 1994 (Act 2 of 1994). 39 See, eg, Ocular Sciences Ltd v Aspect Vision Care Ltd[1997] RPC 289 and Daraydon Holdings Ltd v Solland International Ltd[2005] Ch 119. 40[2011] 3 WLR 1153. 41Sinclair Investments (UK) Ltd v Versailles Trade ......
...have been “fashioned to protect the confider [and] not to punish the confidant”) and Ocular Sciences Ltd v Aspect Vision Care Ltd [1997] RPC 289 at 401 and 403. 215 Attorney-General v Guardian Newspapers (No 2) [1990] AC 109 at 281, per Lord Goff. 216 See I-Admin (Singapore) Pte Ltd v Hong ......
Interlocutory Injunctions: Specific Areas
...A/S v Bestnet Europe Ltd , [2009] All ER (D) 57 at para 38 (Ch D) [ Vestergaard ]. 69 Ocular Sciences Ltd v Aspect Vision Care Ltd , [1997] RPC 289 (Ch D), but see Vestergaard , above note 68 at para 93. 70 See, for example, Argyll (Duchess of) v Duke of Argyll , [1967] Ch 302, now made fam......
Interlocutory Injunctions: Specific Areas
...A/S v. Bestnet Europe Ltd. , [2009] All E.R. (D) 57 at para. 38 (Ch. D.). 69 Ocular Sciences Ltd. v. Aspect Vision Care Ltd & Ors. , [1997] R.P.C. 289 (Ch. D.); but see Vestergaard Frandsen A/S v. Bestnet Europe Ltd. , ibid . at para. 93. The Law of equiTabLe Remedies 80 with the primary is......
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