Orkun Akseli and John Linarelli (eds), The Future of Commercial Law: Ways Forward for Change and Reform

Published date01 May 2021
Date01 May 2021

All students and scholars interested in commercial law and its reforms will be fascinated by this collection of essays, which arose from a Society of Legal Scholars seminar held at Durham University in 2017. This book is split into seven parts, providing key insights from leading scholars in different fields. Readers versed in Scots law are likely to be particularly interested by Professor Steven's chapter outlining the reform of moveable transactions law in Scotland, which appears as Chapter fourteen.

The first part contains two chapters on the foundations and fundamentals of commercial law reform. The first is written by a senior legal officer in the UNCITRAL Secretariat, and as such is an insider's account of UNCITRAL's history, and potential for future legal developments. The second is from a US academic on the history and process of harmonisation of laws in the US. The second part focuses on methodological techniques to explore the subject. It has three chapters, each of which make for interesting reading for their methodological developments alone. The first explores whether harmonisation is beneficial in and of itself, especially in the context of financial law. It is a novel and interesting take on whether harmonisation should be the automatic response to differences in laws. The...

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