Paul Kuruk, Traditional Knowledge, Genetic Resources, Customary Law and Intellectual Property: A Global Primer

Published date01 January 2021
Date01 January 2021

This book covers the complex but crucial intersections of traditional knowledge, genetic resources, customary law and intellectual property (IP). The book carefully considers the existing measures for the protection of traditional knowledge around the world, employing case studies from different regions. Paul Kuruk states that the principal objective of the book is to provide a global survey of the prevailing measures for the protection of traditional knowledge, to tease out the benefits and drawbacks of these measures and to suggest effective systems of protection or “remedial solutions” for the future. The current international IP architecture as constructed by state and non-state actors in the Global North, mostly from Europe and the United States (US), often ignores the indigenous forms of innovation and creativity prevalent in the Global South. Following political independence leading to active participation in international organisations, Global South actors have increasingly demanded protection for traditional knowledge systems in various international fora. Paul Kuruk's high-level roles and rich professional experiences equip him with first-hand insights on traditional knowledge as reflected in the breadth of information and analysis presented in the book.

This well-researched, well-written and well-structured book is divided into four parts. Part one (chapters one to three) is devoted to setting the scene for the book. It explores definitions for three interrelated terms: “folklore”, “indigenous cultural and intellectual property (or cultural heritage)” and “traditional knowledge”. These terms are amorphous as there is no consensus amongst indigenous peoples, policymakers, scholars and interested stakeholders. There is also no international instrument that delineates these terms. In chapter one...

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