Perceptions on dynamics and mobilities in the Triple Border between Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay
Published date | 01 December 2023 |
Author | Maria Cecilia Zsögön |
Date | 01 December 2023 |
DOI | |
International Migration. 2023;61:330–340.
Borders and frontiers constitute the fundamental str uctures of spatial organization, defining the limits of the na-
tional stat e's coercive power and indicating where e ach system of duti es, rights and g uarantees extends (Kralich
et al ., 2012). While bo rders are geopolitica l lines established in tr eaties, th e human presence turns the m into
frontier regions (A bínzano, 2016). These regions are defined by multiple economic, social, political, cultural and
personal relationships establish ed in a transn ational spac e contained within the bor der lines. In the territo rial
dynamics of moder n states, the frontier is a social constr uct that generates differe nces and conflicts, as it enables
both exclusion and inclusio n. It is inseparable from the category of power, as noted by Max Weber in his definition
of the st ate as the ent ity that (succes sfully) claims th e monopoly of the legitimate u se of physical f orce within a
Received: 10 May 2023
Revised: 15 July 202 3
Accepted: 28 July 20 23
DOI: 10.1111/imig.13189
Perceptions on dynamics and mobilities in the
Triple Border between Argentina, Brazil and
Maria Cecilia Zsögön
© 2023 Internati onal Organizati on for Migration.
UNESCO Janus z Korczak Chair, The Mar ia
Grzegorzew ska University, Wars aw, Poland
Maria Cecilia Z sögön, UNESCO Jan usz
Korczak Chai r, The Maria Grzegorzew ska
Universit y, Warsaw, Poland.
This study seeks to contribute to the ongoing disc ussion on
border dynami cs, mobilities and migr ation. It focuses on th e
perceptions around these cat egories in the Triple Border
between Argentina, Brazil and Paragu ay, als o known as tri-
border area or triple frontier. T his region is characteri zed
by contrasting elements, including poverty, inequality and
abundant natural resource s, as wel l as a significant flow of
people and goods, which may not al ways conform to legal
frameworks. We combin e the ethnographic approach wit h a
broader regional per spective, necessary to context ualize the
strategies im plemented by local po pulation in order to c api-
talize on the presence of the internatio nal frontiers. F inally,
we discuss the lim itations of public policies t hat fail to reach
those living in the material and sy mbolic borders of society.
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