Performance of National Agricultural Advisory Services projects in Uganda. Does stakeholder commitment matter?

Date12 July 2013
Published date12 July 2013
AuthorHassan Bashir,Sheila Namagembe,Sudi Nangoli,Joseph M. Ntayi,Mohammed Ngoma
Performance of National
Agricultural Advisory Services
projects in Uganda
Does stakeholder commitment matter?
Hassan Bashir, Sheila Namagembe, Sudi Nangoli, Joseph M. Ntayi
and Mohammed Ngoma
Makerere University Business School, Kampala, Uganda
Purpose – The increased poor performance of National Agricultural Advisory Services (NAADS)
projects in Uganda has become a concern of many stakeholders. Many NAADS projects have been
undertaken with an aim of developing the poor in the country but none of them were successful. This
paper therefore aimed at examining the performance of NAADS projects which were set up by the
government in 2001 to eradicate poverty in Uganda.
Design/methodology/approach – The study adopted a cross-sectional and quantitative survey
research design. Data was sought from farmers and coordinators of the projects. Mukono district was
used as a case study and a sample of 323 NAADS projects were used, covering a wide range of
agricultural activities.
Findings – The research findings showed low performance levels of the NAADS projects and raised
pertinent questions on the influence of NAADS stakeholders’ commitment to the performance of the
projects. It was there recommended that an urgent review of NAADS policy and practices be done to
ensure that project managers and coordinators discuss with farmers the personal benefits of carrying
out activities of NAADS such that farmers fill a great deal of personal meaning of the project to their
Originality/value – This is the first study to document the effect of stakeholder commitment on the
performance of National Agricultural Advisory Services projects in Uganda. The p oor people in
Uganda have really not been committed to the NAADS projects despite the willingness of the
government to take them out of poverty.One of the reasons is that they don’t see themselves ac hieving
any benefits from these projects, the projects require high costs of agricultu ral extension services
which cannot be afforded by the farmers and also because the poor people lack farmer groups to
participate in the NAADS projects. Rural farmers look as if they do not have technical or professional
connections to participate and take advantage of the projects.
Keywords NAADS, Project performance, Stakeholder commitment, Project management, Uganda
Paper type Research p aper
The increasing turbulence in the modern business environment has made it necessar y
for many organizations both private and public to adopt project approach as the means
to achieving organizational goals. Each project, however, strives for excellence and
success yet is by definition a unique task normally subjected to severe restrictions on
budget and time (Andersen, 2006). A project has therefore to perform well in terms of
the planned budget, time and the quality of the project processes and outputs (Munns
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at
World Journal of Entrepreneurship,
Management and Sustainable
Vol. 9 No.2/3, 2013
pp. 155-167
rEmeraldGroup Publishing Limited
DOI 10.1108/W JEMSD-01-2013- 0011
The authors would like to extend their appreciation to Makerere University Business School that
funded this study, and the MUBS Principal, Professor Balunywa Wasswa, the Dean, Professor
Ntayi Joseph, and Dr Mohammed Ngoma for the work well done.
Performance of
NAADS projects
in Uganda

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