Petition for a presumption of death decree/order and the dissolution of a marriage/civil partnership
Published date | 21 March 2018 |
Subject Matter | Divorce and civil partnership dissolution forms |
Petition for a presumption
of death decree/order and the
dissolution of a marriage/
civil partnership
D8D Petition for a presumption of death decree/order and dissolution of a marriage/civil partnership (04.14) © Crown Copyright 2014
Notes to Petitioners
• This form should be used if you are making an application to the court for a decree/order to end your
marriage/civil partnership due to the presumed death of your spouse or civil partner.
• Before completing this form, please read the supporting notes (D8D Notes) for guidance on how to
complete this form.
• Please answer all questions. If you are unsure of the answer to any question, or you do not think that it
applies to you, please indicate this on the form.
• If there is not enough room on this form, you may continue on a separate sheet. Please put your name, the
Respondent’s (your spouse/civil partner) name, and the number of the Part the information relates to, at
the top of your continuation sheet.
• If completing this form by hand, please use black ink and BLOCK CAPITAL LETTERS and tick the boxes
that apply.
I, (please state your full name)
apply for a presumption of death decree/order and dissolution in respect of my
civil partnership
and give the following details in support of my application.
continued over the page
See the suppor ting notes for guidance on how to compl ete this sectio n
To be completed by the Court
Name of court
Case No.
Date received
by the court
Date issued
Time issued
Fee charged/
Remission ID
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