Post‐Contractual Good Faith ‐ A Further Change in Judicial Attitude1

Published date01 May 2005
Date01 May 2005
AuthorAndré Naidoo
Post-Contractual Good Faith - A Further Change in
Judicial Attitude
In recent years the post-contractual duty of good faith has been the subject of
considerable judicial debate in a number of cases.
Although these cases address
the notion of a general post-contractual duty, they have all been in the context
of the duty imposed upon the assured. Such a duty only serves to bene¢t the
insurer andcan create an imbalance in the absence of any reciprocal post-contrac-
tual obligations on the insurer. However, more recently, the perceived mutuality
of the good faith duty inspired the Court of Appeal in Drake Insuranceplc vProvi-
dentInsurance plc
to develop further, the dutyimposed upon insurers.
The impor-
tance of this further shift in judicial attitude is a welcome development that
should not be understated. It means there is a further constraint on the conduct
of insurers during performance of the contract, a contract that is all too familiar
with, not only commercial parties, but also consumers.
The development of the insurer’s duty raises a numberof crucial issues. Firstly,
the extent of the obligation owed; secondly, the remedy for abreach of the duty
and ¢nally, the signi¢cance of such a development in the wider context. These
issues have to be approached with a view to the perceived mutuality of the duty,
and consequently, the rather confused backdrop of the assureds post-contractual
duty which hasbeen in retreat in recent years.
Lecturer in law, De MontfortUniversity.I am grateful to Professor Robert Merkin, Professor David
Oughton and an anonymous refereefor their helpful comments. The usual disclaimars apply.
1 This title is a reference to the paper published i n an e arlier volume of this review, H. Y. Yeo,‘Post
Contractual Good Faith-Change in Judicial Attitude?’ (2003) 66 MLR 425.
2ManifestShipping Co.Ltd.v.Uni-Polaris Shipping Co. Ltd and Others,(The Star Sea) [2001] UKHL/1;
[2001] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 389; K/S Merc-Scandia XXXXII vUnderwriters of Lloyd’s PolicyNo. 25T1054 &
Others, (The Mercandian Continent), [2001] EWCACiv 1275; [2001] 2 Lloyds Rep 563,(CA); Agapit os
vAgnew, (The Aegeon) [2002] EWCA Civ 247; [2002]2 Lloyd’s Rep. 42.
3 [2003] EWCACiv 1834; [2004] Lloyd’s Rep. 268, Reversing the ¢rst instance decision of Moore-
Bick J.[2003] EWHC 109; [2003]Lloyds’ Rep. I.R.793.
4 The arguments submitted in DrakevProvident aboutthe insurer’sduty were based on the decision of
Colman J. in StriveShipping CorporationvHellenic MutualWar Risks Association, (The GreciaExpress)
[2002] EWHC203; [2002] 2 Lloyd’s Rep.88. On the insurer’sduty applying to the claims handling
process see the Court of Appeal re-insurance cases of Gan InsurancevTa i P i n g I n s u r a n c e (No.2) [2001]
EWCA Civ1047;[2001] Lloyd’s Rep. I.R.667 and Eagle StarCo Ltd vJ N Cresswell& Another [2004]
EWCA Civ 602.
5BlackKing Shipping vMassie(The LitsionPride) [1985] 1Lloyds Rep.437 represents the high-pointof
this post-contractual duty. Subsequently, recent cases in n 2 above, have restricted the scope of the
rThe Modern LawReview Limited 2005
Published by BlackwellPublishing, 9600 Garsington Road,Oxford OX4 2DQ,UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA
(2005) 68(3)MLR 464^474

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