Press release on the discovery of a mass grave containing at least 65 bodies of migrants in Libya.

Published date28 March 2024

M2 PRESSWIRE-March 28, 2024-: Press release on the discovery of a mass grave containing at least 65 bodies of migrants in Libya



The African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights (the Commission) is following with great attention the situation of migrants in Libya, a territory traversed by one of the deadliest migratory routes in Africa.

The Commission is deeply alarmed and saddened by the discovery, in south-west Libya, of a mass grave containing at least 65 bodies of migrants, whose nationalities, gender and circumstances of death have not yet been identified. According to information received by the Commission, the migrants died during their clandestine crossing of the Libyan desert.

The African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights expresses its sincere condolences to the families of the bereaved victims and condemns all violations of migrants' rights that may lead to their disappearance, including the right to life.

Recalling itsResolution ACHPR/RES. 486 (EXT.OS/XXXI1I) 2021on missing migrants and refugees in Africa and the consequences for their families, and following this umpteenth tragedy, the Commission once again expresses its deep concern at the continuing disappearances of migrants in various circumstances, due in particular to the upsurge in irregular migratory flows and the use of the most precarious and perilous migratory routes. Migrants, who are often extremely vulnerable, are exposed to various abuses committed by smugglers and traffickers, such as trafficking in human beings, migrant smuggling and other forms of transnational organised crime.

The Commission remains convinced that in order to improve the lot of migrants and put an end to such tragedies, it is necessary to develop regular channels for legal migration, and that migration management policies and practices...

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