Publications Received Volume 13

Published date01 December 2006
Date01 December 2006
Subject MatterPublications Received Volume 13
13 MJ 4 (2006) 491
Agapiou-Joséphidès, Kall iope and Rossetto, Jean, Chypre dans l’Union européenne,
Bruylant 2006, 297 pa ges, paperback, €35, ISBN 2-8027-2198-4.
Azoulai, Loïc and Bu rgorgue-Larsen, Laurence, L’au tor i d e l Un i on e ur o e nn e ,
Bruylant 2006, 274 pages, paperback, €5 0, ISBN 2-8027-2193-3.
Blanpain, Roger, Colucci, Michele, and Sica, Sa lvatore (eds.), e European So cial Model,
Intersentia 2006, xiv + 225 pa ges, hardback, €55, ISBN 90-5095-550-6.
Cafaggi, Fabrizio (ed.), e Institutional Framework of European Private Law, Oxford
University Press 2006, x xxiii + 311 pages, hardback, £60, ISBN 0-19-929604-9.
Constantinesco, L éontin-Jean, L’applicabilité directe dans le droit de la C.E.E., Bruylant
2006, 145 pages, paperback, €30, ISBN 2-8027-2125-9.
Curry-Sumner, Ian, All’s Well that Ends Registered?  e substantive and private
international law aspects of non-marital registered relationships in Europe,
Intersentia 2005, xx v + 600 pages, paperback, €92, ISBN 90-5095-532-0.
de Bú rca, Gr áinn e, and S cott , Joann e (eds.), Law and G overnance in the EU and US, Hart
Publishing 20 06, x + 434 pages, paperback, £35, ISBN 1-84113-543-7.
Defalque, Lucette, Pertek, Jacques , Steinfeld, Philippe and Vigneron, Phil ippe, Libre
circulation des personnes et des capitaux Rapprochement des legislations, Institut
d’études Eu ropéennes 2006, 315 pages, paperback, €40, ISBN 2-8004-1378-5.
Delmas-Mart y, Mireille, and Spencer, J.R. (eds.), European Criminal Procedures,
Cambridge University Press 2005, l xii + 775 pages, paperback, £40 ($70), ISBN
Emanuel, Han (ed.), Ageing and the Labour Market: Issues and Solutions. O r Are  ere?,
Intersentia 2006, v ii + 205 pages, hardback, €52, ISBN 90-5095-565-7.
Giubboni, Stefano, Social Rights and Market Freedoms in the European Constitution.
A Labour Law Perspective, Cambr idge University Press 2006, xx viii + 290 pages,
hardback, £55 ($95), ISBN 0-521-84126-7.
Glenn, H. Patrick, On Common Laws, Oxford University Press 2005, xviii + 158 pages,
hardback, £50, ISBN 0-19-928754-6.
Grosheide, F. Willem and Brin khof, Jan J. (eds.), Intellectual Property Law 2004,
Intersentia 2005, xx vi + 467 pages, paperback, €78, ISBN 90-5095-481-2.
Hesselink, Mar tin W., Rutgers, Jacobien W., Bueno Díaz, Odavia, Scotten, Manola
and Veldman, Muriel, Commercial Agency, Franchise and Distribution Contracts,
Principles of European L aw: Study Group on a European Civil Code, Sell ier 2006,
xli + 371 pages, hardback, €120, ISBN 3-935808-43-7.

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