R v Gordon-Finlayson, ex parte an Officer
Jurisdiction | England & Wales |
Judgment Date | 14 January 1941 |
Date | 14 January 1941 |
Docket Number | Case No. 67 |
Court | Divisional Court |
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5 cases
NB CPC 1674 2012
...over British flagged ships; the second is whether being on such a ship constitutes being in Great Britain: see R -v- Gordon Finalyson [1941] 1 KB 171 and Commissioner’s decision C.P. 93/49 (K.L). Despite my invitation to do so, the appellant has not really been able to flesh out the argumen......
NB CPC 1672 2012
...over British flagged ships; the second is whether being on such a ship constitutes being in Great Britain: see R -v- Gordon Finalyson [1941] 1 KB 171 and Commissioner’s decision C.P. 93/49 (K.L). Despite my invitation to do so, the appellant has not really been able to flesh out the argumen......
Oteri and Oteri v R
...rather than literally. A British ship is not accurately described in law as part of the United Kingdom (R v Gordon-FinlaysonELR[2] [1941] 1 KB 171 at 1789), A more acceptable rationalization juristically is that at common law a British ship fell under the protection of the sovereign; those ......
R v Bull
... ... v. Kent Justices; Ex parte LyeELRUNK [1967] 2 Q.B. 153; [1967] 1 All E.R. 560[2], one of the ‘pirate radio station’ cases, ... ...
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