R v Monopolies and Mergers Commission and Another ex parte South Yorkshire Transport Ltd and Others
Jurisdiction | UK Non-devolved |
Judge | Lord Templeman,Lord Goff of Chieveley,Lord Lowry,Lord Mustill,Lord Slynn of Hadley |
Judgment Date | 17 December 1992 |
Judgment citation (vLex) | [1992] UKHL J1217-1 |
Date | 17 December 1992 |
Court | House of Lords |
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154 cases
R London Christian Radio Ltd and Another (1st Appellant) Christian Communications Partners (2nd Appellant) v Radio Advertising Clearance Centre Secretary of State for Culture Media and Sport (Interested Party)
...issue of whether the advertisement should be cleared was the RACC". Applying what Lord Mustill said in R v Monopolies and Mergers Commisssion ex parte South Yorkshire Transport Limited [1993] 1 WLR 23, 32–33, he held that this was a case where the relevant criterion was: "so imprecise that ......
R Pratima Das v Secretary of State for the Home Department Mind and Another (Interveners)
...in closed terms, and there is good reason for that. Miss Rose, relying on the warning of Lord Mustill in R v Monopolies and Mergers Commission, ex p. South Yorkshire Transport Ltd. [1993] 1 WLR 23 of the danger of taking an inherently imprecise word and thrusting on it a spurious degree of ......
John Billig+allied Sterling Plc For Judicial Review Of A Decision Of The Council Of The Law Society Of Scotland Made Under Section 43 Of The Solicitors (scotland)
...or assessment of the facts and circumstances unless there was no rational basis for it (R v Monopolies Commission ex parte S. Yorks. Ltd 1993 1 WLR 23 at 32G-33A. Each of the factors considered by the Council was relevant. The decision cannot be said to be manifestly ill-founded. iv. The au......
Stagecoach Bus Holdings / Eastbourne Buses / Cavendish Motor Services (OFT)
...four million visitors each year. 5 The OFT notes that while the population of Eastbourne alone is approximately 95,000, Hailsham’s 4 5 [1993] 1 ALL ER 289 population is likely to be at least 19,000, 6 making the combined area nearly as large as Slough (approximately 120,000), which the CC f......
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5 books & journal articles
...context (largely driven by parliamentary supremacy): R v Monopolies and Mergers Commission, ex parte South Yorkshire Transport Ltd[1993] 1 WLR 23; R (British Broadcasting Corp) v Information Tribunal[2007] 1 WLR 2583; R (Cart) v Upper Tribunal[2012] 1 AC 663; Eba v Advocate General for Scot......
Disciplined for `bringing a sport into disrepute': a framework for judicial review.
...Williams [1998] 2 VR 546, 559. Tadgell JA referred to R v Monopolies & Mergers Commission; Ex parte South Yorkshire Transport Ltd [1993] 1 WLR 23, 32, where Lord Mustill stated that a criterion may be so imprecise that different decision-makers, each acting rationally, might reach diffe......
The Justiciability of Resource Allocation
...vSpecialEducational NeedsTribunal [1999] 3 All ER 587,591¡.43 RvMonopolies and MergersCommission, exp SouthYorkshireTransportLtd [1993]1 WLR 23,32.44 RvGloucestershireCounty Council, ex p Barry [1997] AC 584, [1997] 2 All ER 1 [hereinafter cited toAll ER].45 [1988] AC 573, 604.46 Bennion,St......
Around the Black Box: Applying the Carltona Principle to Challenge Machine Learning Algorithms in Public Sector Decision-Making
...ex parte Gibb and Another (1995) QB 158. 79 ibid 10. 80 R v Monopolies and Mergers Commission, ex parte South Yorkshire Transpor t [1993] 1 WLR 23. 81 R (G) v London Borough of Southwark [2009] 1 WLR 1299. 384 LSE Law Review Vol. VII delegable. 82 Therefore, the Carltona principle could app......
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