Recent Publications on International Human Rights
Published date | 01 March 2015 |
Date | 01 March 2015 |
DOI | |
Netherlands Q uarterly of Human Ri ghts, Vol. 33/1, 108–113, 2015.
108 © Netherlands I nstitute of Human Rig hts (SIM), Printed in the Net herlands.
Recent Publications on International Human Rights
e European Convention on Human Rights:Commentar y / Christoph Grabenwarter.
– Oxford: Hart, 2014. – xix, 555 p.
ISBN : 978184 9461917
e European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) entered into force on
3September 1953 with binding e ect on all Member States of t he Council of Europe.
It grants the people of Europe a number of f undamental rig hts and freedoms (right
to life, prohibition of torture, prohibition of slavery and forced labour, right to
liberty and sec urity, right to a fair trial, no punishment without law, right to respect
for private and family li fe, freedom of thought, conscience and religion, freedom of
expression, freedom of assembly and as sociation, right to marry, right to an e ective
remedy, prohibition of discrimination) plus some more by additiona l protocols to the
Convention (Protocols 1 (ETS No. 009), 4 (ETS No. 046), 6 (ETS No. 114), 7 (ETS No.
117), 12 (ETS No. 177) and 13 (ETS No. 187)).
Any person who feels his or her rights under t he ECHR have been violated by
the authorities of one of the Member States can bring a case to the European Court
of Human Rights, est ablished under the Convention. e States are bound by the
Court’s decisions. e Committee of Ministers of t he Council of Europe make sure
that the decisions are properly executed. Today the Court receives thousands of
petitions annually, demonstrating the immense impact of the Convention and the
Strasbourg Cou rt.
Professor Grabenwarter’s Commentary dea ls with the Convention systematically,
article-by-article, considering the development and scope of each article, together
with the relevant ca se-law and literature.
Human rights and business: a policy-oriented perspective / Denise Wallace. – Leiden:
BRILL, 2014. – xvi, 412 p. – (Studies in Intercultur al Human Rights; no. 6)
ISBN: 9789004279872
is book address es the ever more urgent question as to whether individuals,
indigenous p eoples or other vulnerable groups should be entitled to remedies
under international law for violations of their huma n rights by transnationa l
corporations. Using the tools of polic y-oriented jurisprudence, the author ana lyzes,
in great historical a nd cross-cultura l detail, the various claims involved, including
the status of corporations a nd their purpose and g rowth beyond borders in the era
of globalization; counter vailing demands for respect and rights of individuals and
groups; the changing role of t he nation-state in international law; movements for
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