Regulation of Prices (Tranquillising Drugs) Order 1973

JurisdictionUK Non-devolved
CitationSI 1973/720

1973 No. 720


The Regulation of Prices (Tranquillising Drugs) Order 1973

12thApril 1973

12thApril 1973

23rdApril 1973

Whereas it appears to the Secretary of State on the facts found by the Monopolies Commission as stated in their report entitled "A report on the supply of chlordiazepoxide and diazepam" that the prices charged in the case of goods of the classes to which the report relates, being goods to which this Order applies, are or have been such as to operate against the public interest:

Now, therefore, the Secretary of State in exercise of the powers conferred by section 3(3)(a), (b) and (d) and (4)(c) of the Monopolies and Mergers Act 1965(a) and section 10(3) of the Monopolies and Restrictive Practices (Inquiry and Control) Act 1948(b) and now in him vested(c) and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf and with a view to remedying or preventing mischiefs which in his opinion result or may be expected to result from the things which according to the said report as laid before Parliament on 11th April 1973 operate or may be expected to operate against the public interest hereby orders as follows:—

1.—(1) This Order may be cited as the Regulation of Prices (Tranquillising Drugs) Order 1973 and shall come into operation on 23rd April 1973.

(2) In this Order, "container" has the same meaning in relation to a preparation mentioned in the Schedule hereto as it has in relation to a medicinal product in the Medicines Act 1968(d); and references to chlordiazepoxide include references to its salts and references to diazepam include references to its salts.

(3) For the purposes of this Order a body corporate shall be regarded as having a controlling interest in another body corporate if it can—

(i) directly or indirectly determine the manner in which more than one half of the votes which could be cast at a general meeting of the other body corporate are to be cast; or

(ii) by the exercise of a power which does not require the consent or concurrence of any other person appoint or remove the holders of all or a majority of the directorships.

(4) The Interpretation Act 1889(e) shall apply to the interpretation of this Order as it applies to the interpretation of an Act of Parliament.

(a) 1965 c. 50.

(b) 1948 c. 66.

(c) By the Transfer of Functions (Monopolies, Mergers and Restrictive Practices) Order 1969 (S.I. 1969/1534; 1969 III, p. 4991).

(d) 1968 c. 67.

(e) 1889 c. 63.

2. This Order applies to F Hoffmann-La Roche and Co. AG, a body corporate incorporated in Switzerland, the SAPAC Corporation Ltd., a body corporate incorporated under the laws of New Brunswick, Canada, to Roche Products Limited, a body corporate...

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