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Date | 01 October 1952 |
Published date | 01 October 1952 |
Economic Survey of the Colonial Territories.
Volume I.
Central African and High Commission Territories. Colonial
No. 281(i). H.M.S.O., 1952; 25s.; pp. 106 +two maps.
West African Territories. Colonial No. 281(iii). H.M.S.O.,
1952; 25s.; pp. 103 +two maps.
These two are the first of a series of six volumes describing region by region the
principal economic features of each of the Colonial territories in turn. A seventh
volume containing more general and detailed information regarding commodities
produced in the Colonial territories will complete the series.
present volumes
contain information available up to and including 1951. Well set out and
produced, they will be of undoubted assistance to all interested in the economic
affairs of the Colonial territories.
Most of the subject matter lies outside the field of this journal. There are,
however, sections upon the political structure and upon land tenure. As is to be
expected at a time when administrative and political changes are taking place so
rapidly, some of the sections on Local Government-especially
for the Gold
already out of date.
may be surprising to some, in an economic
survey, is the lack of reference in the sections on land tenure to the economic
aspect of land tenure in the African areas. How far can land be used as security
for loans for development? Is mortgage legally possible? What are the
Africans rights over land and over trees and permanent crops on his land? How
does land change hands between African and African? Can it be bought and
sold? These questions are illustrative of some of the aspects of land tenure which
one would have expected to see treated.
answer probably is that the informa-
tion available in 1951 on many of these points is sketchy or uncertain.
however, to be hoped that by the time a future edition becomes necessary the
information available upon the economic aspect of land tenure in the African
farming areas will be more in keeping with the importance of the subject.
Annual Report for 1950 of the Community Development Organization, Kenya.
Government Printer, Nairobi, 1951; 2s. ; pp. 53.
Describes the many activities which form part of the community development
movement and includes four appendices dealing with the work and methods of
the Jeanes School, the work of the Press liaison and African Information Services,
the figures for new domestic dwellings built in municipalities for the three
different races, and the grants-in-aid paid in respect of various welfare agencies.
Annual Report for 1951 of the Local Government and African Housing Depart-
ment Northern Rhodesia. Government Printer, Lusaka, 1952; Zs.; pp. 23.
Deals with developments which have taken place in the
Northern Rhodesia, including a special section on African urban housing,
In the section on local authorities' staff reference is made to the report of Mr.
C. L. Coles who was asked to make recommendations on their terms of service.
He recommended inter alia salaries comparable with central government, stand-
ardization of conditions of service, a uniform contributory medical benefit
scheme, a contributory pension fund, and the establishment of an active Municipal
Employees Association.
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