Reports of sextortion double in year and make up biggest issue for helpline

Published date20 May 2022
Publication titleWalesOnline (Wales)
The total number of reports from victims of intimate image abuse to the helpline increased by 40% from 3,146 to 4,406 last year, according to figures shared with the PA news agency. They now stand at more than six times the number reported in 2016

The Revenge Porn Helpline charity said it believes the reports are a fraction of the true number of sextortion cases, as there is a “huge amount of shame” around falling prey to scammers. Sextortion occurs when images or videos are captured or sent during an online sexual exchange, and the victim is extorted and blackmailed for their intimate content.

Scammers – usually overseas organised crime groups – take details of the victim’s followers, friends, and family contacts and attempt to make some quick cash by threatening to share the images or videos. Sextortion made up a quarter of the overall cases reported to the helpline last year, and 88% of sextortion cases involved male victims.

In 80% of the cases the perpetrator was a criminal gang, while 11% involved a current or former partner. The helpline said the threats “are very real, but the content is rarely released”.

Helpline practitioner Zara Roddis said...

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