Request for personal service by a court bailiff (applications issued before April 2022)

Published date21 March 2018
Subject MatterDivorce and civil partnership dissolution forms
Request for personal service
by a court baili
D89 Request for personal service by a court baili (10.16) © Crown Copyright 2016
To be completed by the Petitioner/Applicant
Name of court Case No.
Name of Petitioner/Applicant
Name of Respondent
Name of Co-Respondent (if applicable)
Fee charged/Remission ID
I request that the court baili serve the application in this case.
Type of case
If completing this form by hand, please use
BLOCK CAPITAL LETTERS and tick the boxes that apply.
I enclose a recent photograph of the person I do not have a recent photograph of the person
The address (in England and Wales) at which baili service should be attempted is:
The full name of the
Respondent Co-Respondent
Date of birth
Phone no.
Please provide a description of the person or if available a recent photograph. The description should include height,
hair colour, eye colour, ethnicity and any distinguishing marks or features.
When would be the best time(s) for service?
If they have a vehicle please give details
Manufacturer Model Colou r Registration no.
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