Review: Road Traffic

Published date01 October 1938
Date01 October 1938
Subject MatterReview
By W. J.
(Chief Constable of Brighton).
(Second Edition, , Police Review.') as.Bd,
to the above (' Police Review.') 9d.
THE Second Edition of ' Road
appeared while the Road Traffic Act
of 1930was still in its infancy, and incorporated a series of articles which had
appeared in
Police Review.' Beginning with a chapter on the functions
and duties of the Police, which includes advice to Traffic Patrols, and mentions
the more important changes in the law, the book proceeds to auseful chapter
on ' reckless, dangerous or careless driving,' of which instances are given.
Abridged versions of the Road Traffic Act, 1930, and the Construction and
Use Regulations, 1931, together with the texts of other Regulations then in
force, complete the book. Its contents interest all police officers, particularly
traffic patrols, and a new and up-to-date edition would no doubt be widely
appreciated, as the Supplement, devoted to summaries of the Road Traffic
Act, 1934, the Road and Rail Traffic Act, 1933, and numerous regulations,
is only carried to 31st December, 1934.
(Avery, Aberdeen.)
(Price not stated.)
for the issue in consolidated form of the Acts and regulations dealing
with the use of the roads and offencesrelating to such use was met recently
with an official response
changing conditions necessitate amendments
from time to time,
considerable progress has been made with consolidat-
ing the several codes." Many quite distinct matters are of course included in
the generic term " road traffic
and the task of bringing them all into
one comprehensive code, if it be practicable, must presumably be left to a
future generation.
It is the fact that the police officer's capacity will be sorely taxed if he
attempts to memorise the many intricate provisions, and he will welcome the
appearance of this admirable summary compiled by the Chief Constable of
the Aberdeen City Police. It sets out in a convenient and simplified form the
main provisions of the Roads Act, 1920, the Road Transport Lighting Act,
1927. the Road Traffic Acts, 1930 to 1936, the Road and Rail Traffic Act,
1933, and the attendant regulations operative at the end of November, 1936.
book is bound in the loose-leaf system and is printed in very clear type,
and each of the 467 paragraphs contains a reference to the relevant Section
or regulations. A copious index, so spaced as to admit of additions, completes
the work.
Since the book was printed, certain revised regulations have been issued,
notably those relating to the construction and use of motor vehicles and to
driving licences, and its possessor will undoubtedly appreciate the supply of
amendment sheets if these are issued. In the meantime, with manuscript
emendations which can readily be effected, the book becomes thoroughly
up-to-date and it should be of real assistance to Police Officers, particularly
traffic patrols, and to all interested in or affected by road traffic legislation.

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