Safeguarding Adults in Nursing Practice

Published date09 April 2018
Date09 April 2018
AuthorNeil James
Subject MatterHealth & social care,Vulnerable groups,Adult protection,Safeguarding,Sociology,Sociology of the family,Abuse
By Ruth Northway and Robert Jenkins
2nd ed.,
ISBN 978-1-4739-5484-7
Review DOI
Safeguarding has become an important and
significant role for nurses from all four fields of
nursing. Arguably, with the number of
vulnerable people on the increase this role is
set to develop further in respect of
accountabilityand responsibility.The changing
face of policyand legislation is one that adds to
the complexity tha t nurses confront in respect
of decision-making and the understanding of
their role in respectof protecting rights, as well
as providing protection, for those who are at
risk of exploitation or abuse. The area of
safeguarding is one that is fraught with ethical
dilemmas for nurses and requires sensitive
and careful management.
In respect of safeguarding children, there is a
fairly well-developed body of literature to
support practitioners in their roles. However,
this body of evidence in respect of
safeguarding adults has been slower in its
development and there is a limited guidance
to support professionals and carers working
with this population group. This is where this
second edition book becomes a valuable and
extremely informative source of reference. Its
accessible format is one that makes the text
interesting, thought provoking and engaging.
Key topics are addressed starting with
exploring the context of safeguarding,
vulnerability and abuse. This leads logically
into other chapters that explore more in
depth issues such as ethical and professional
frameworks, legal and policy provisions,
interprofessional and interagency
working and positive practice using a
systems approach.
The chapters are s upported by activ ities
that promote criti cal thinking and th e
application of the ory, highlighte d within
the text, to practice. The book promotes
independent learning skills, provides case
studies, guidance to further reading
and details of useful resources.
Each chapter is clearly mapped to the
Nursing and Midwif ery Council (NMC )
Standards for Pre-registration Nursing
Education Domains and the NMC Essential
Skills Clusters.
This edition of the book h as been updated to
ensure it captures th e changing face of the
socio-political-legal arena encompassing
this complex and important area of practice.
I highly recommend that this book is
adopted as essent ial reading for stu dent
nurses and it will also be of benefit to
students in other health and social care
disciplines. Similarly, it will also be a valuable
resource for quali fied and unqualif ied health
and social care sta ff to inform their p ractice
within this area.
Neil James
Neil James is a Senior Lecturer at the Faculty
of Medicine and Health Sciences, University
of East Anglia, Norwich, UK.
Safeguarding Adults in
Nursing Practice
VOL. 20 NO. 2 2018, p. 128, © Emerald Publishing Limited, ISSN 1466-8203
Book review

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