Schneider Electric has introduced a digital tradeoff tool called the Prefabricated vs. Traditional Cost Calculator.

M2 PRESSWIRE-August 27, 2019-: Schneider Electric has introduced a digital tradeoff tool called the Prefabricated vs. Traditional Cost Calculator



Data center operators and users now have access to a new tool that provides cost analysis for different types of IT infrastructure deployment.

Schneider Electric has introduced a digital tradeoff tool called the Prefabricated vs. Traditional Cost Calculator.

The tool, designed by Schneider Electric's Data Science Centre, provides decision makers with the means to find out whether a prefabricated or traditional data center deployment works best for their business, based on their IT requirements and business demands.

Decision makers can also consider a combined approach, where prefabricated models can be used for some elements.

The calculator also uses trending data to devise multipliers, estimate the effects of increasing rack density, as well as increasing capacity and redundancy.

It calculates a summary of the capital expenditure (CAPEX) incurred via user input options and demonstrates the percentage difference. Bar charts provide a graphical overview of the equipment, design/installation and space/building costs for each approach.

"Depending on the customer requirements, there are, of course, a number of advantages and disadvantages to each approach", comments Schneider Electric Data Science Centre senior research analyst Wendy Torell.

Schneider Electric explains further:

"When deciding how to add capacity to existing infrastructure operators have several choices, including whether to refurbish and upgrade an existing plant, build a new facility or deploy a completely prefabricated data center."

"The key cost considerations are the cooling architecture, rack density, module placement and choice to build or lease the property. The Schneider Electric Prefabricated vs Traditional Data Center Cost Calculator uses pricing information from a number of internal and external sources, including third-party equipment suppliers and government labor statistics, to provide rough cost comparisons between each approach."

Schneider Electric adds that prefabricated data centers are not new, but they are a disruptive technology, transforming the way customers design and build data centers.

By removing time and cost from facility construction and upgrades, prefab enables the industry to address the unpredictable nature of growth and technological advance through...

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