Simony Act 1588

Anno tricesimo primo Regin E l i z a b e t h . An Act against Abuses in Election of Scholars, and Presentation to Benefices.

(31 Eliz. 1) C A P. VI.

'WHEREAS by the Intent of the Founders of Colleges, Churches Collegiate, Churches Cathedral, Schools, Hospitals, Halls and other like Societies within this Realm, and by the Statutes and good Orders of the same, the Elections, Presentations and Nominations of Fellows, Scholars, Officers and other Persons, to have Room or Place in the same, are to be had and made of the sittest and most meet Persons, being capable of the same Elections, Presentations and Nominations, freely, without any Reward, Gift or Thing given or taken for the same: And for true Performance whereof, some Electors, Presentors and Nominators in the same, have or should take a corporal Oath to make their Elections, Presentations and Nominations accordingly; yet notwithstanding it is seen and found by Experience, that the said Elections, Presentations and Nominations be many Times wrought and brought to pass with Money, Gifts and Rewards, whereby the fittest Persons to be elected, presented or nominated, wanting Money or Friends, are seldom or not at all preferred, contrary to the good Meaning of the said Founders, and the said good Statutes and Ordinances of the said Colleges, Churches, Schools, Halls, Hospitals and Societies, and to the great Prejudice of Learning, and the Commonwealth and Estate of the Realm:'

S-II The Forfeiture of him who taketh Reward for his Voice in electing a Fellow, Scholar, &c. into a College, &c.

II The Forfeiture of him who taketh Reward for his Voice in electing a Fellow, Scholar, &c. into a College, &c.

II. For Remedy whereof be it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That if any Person or Persons, Bodies Politick or Corporate, which have Election, Presentation or Nomination, or Voice, or Assent in the Choice, Election, Presentation or Nomination of any Fellow, Scholar, or any other Person, to have Room or Place in any of the said Churches, Colleges, Schools, Hospitals, Halls or Societies, shall at any Time after forty Days next after the End of this present Sessionof Parliament, have, receive or take any Money, Fee, Reward or any other Profit, directly or indirectly, or shall take any Promise, Agreement, Covenant, Bond or other Assurance to receive or have any Money, Fee, Reward or any other Profit, directly or indirectly, either to him or themselves, or to any other of their or any of their Friends, for his or their Voice or Voices, Assent or Assents, or Consents, in electing, chusing, presenting or nominating any Officer, Fellow, Scholar, or other Person, to have any Roomor Place in any of the said Churches, Colleges, Schools, Halls, Hospitals or Societies; that then and from thenceforth the Place, Room or Office which such Person so offending shall then have in any the said Churches, Colleges, Schools, Halls, Hospitals or Societies, shall be void: (2) And that then, as well the Queen's Majesty, her Heirs and Successors, and every other Person and Persons, their Heirs and Successors, to whom the Presentation, Donation, Gift, Election, or Disposition shall of Right belong or appertain of any such of the said Rooms or Places of the said Person offending as aforesaid, shall or may at their Pleasure elect, present, nominate, place or appoint any other Person or Persons in the Room, Office or Place of such Person or Persons so offending, as if the said Person or Persons so offending then were naturally dead.

S-III The Penalty for giving or taking of Money for resigning a Place in a College, Society, &c. Hob. 165.

III The Penalty for giving or taking of Money for resigning a Place in a College, Society, &c. Hob. 165.

III. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Fellow, Officer or Scholar of any the said Churches, Colleges, Schools, Halls, Hospitals or Societies, or other Persons having Room or Place in any of the same, shall at any Time hereafter, directly or indirectly take or receive, or by any Way, Device or Means, contract or agree to have or receive any Money, Reward or Profit whatsoever, for the leaving or resigning up of the same his Room or Place, for any other to be placed in the same, that then every Person so taking or contracting, or agreeing to take or have any Thing for the same, shall forfeit and lose double the Sum of Money or Value...

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