Some Developments of the Principle of Mens Rea in the Case Law of the Court of Justice of the European Union

AuthorAlessandro Rosanò
Published date01 September 2016
Date01 September 2016
Subject MatterCase Notes
302 Intersentia
A R*
As a matter of fundamenta l legal principle, crimi nal liability may not arise from the
mere existence of the fact or from the anti-jurid ical nature of the fact: the defendants
should be held criminal ly liable only for events or consequences which they intended
or knowingly riske d.1 at is t he principle of mens rea which is expressed by the well-
renowned formula nullum crimen, nulla poena sine culpa and which manifests the
* Alessand ro Rosanò, PhD, is Teaching Assist ant of EU Law and Internationa l Law at the Law School
of the University of Padova (Italy).  e author wishes t o thank Eleonora Rosanò, John Fos ter and
the anonymous re viewers for their valua ble contributions and comments on ea rlier versions of the
case note.  e author is so lely responsible for the content of the ca se note.
1 Andrew Ashwort h, Jeremy Horder, Principles of Criminal Law (7th edn, Oxford University Press
2013) 74. As it was underlined by Ala n Brudner, ‘Agency and Welfare in Criminal L aw’ in Stephen
Shute, John Gardner, Jeremy Horder (eds), Action and Value in Criminal L aw (Clar endon P ress
1993) 35 ‘what alone takes us to c riminal punishment is t he intentional or (advertently) rec kless
disdain for t he autonomy of another self t hat, when absolut ised as a principle, i nvolves the insec urity
of one’s own liberty as it s necessary con sequence’. Regarding mens rea at commo n law, s ee gene ral ly
Claire de  an, Russell He aton, Criminal Law (4th edn, Oxford Univer sity Press 2013) 50–89;
Richard Ca rd, Card, Cross & Jones Crimi nal Law (21st edn, Oxford University P ress 2014) 69–109;
Nicola Pad eld, Criminal Law (9th edn, Oxford University Press 2014) 47–75; Andrew Ashworth,
Sentencing an d Criminal Just ice (6th edn, Cambri dge University Press 2015) 157–159. Regarding
mens rea at civil law, see genera lly Giuseppe Magg iore, Prolegomeni al concetto di colpevolezza
(Priulla 1951); Marcello Gallo, Il concetto unitario di colpevolezza (Giu rè editore 1951); Biagio
Petroce lli, La colpevolezza (3rd edn, Cedam 1955); Pietro Nuvolone, ‘La conc ezione giuridic a italiana
della colpevolez za’ [1976] Rivista italiana d i diritto e procedu ra penale 3; Claus Rox in,
‘Considerazioni d i politica crim inale sul principio d i colpevolezza’ [1980] Rivista ita liana di dirit to
e procedura pena le 369; Tullio Padovani, ‘Teoria de lla colpevolezza e sc opi della pena’ [1987] Rivista
italiana d i diritto e procedura p enale 798; Mohamed Badar, ‘Mens rea – M istake of Law & Mista ke
of Fact in German Criminal Law: A Survey for International Criminal Tribunals [2005]
International Cr iminal Law Revi ew 203. For an introduction to mens rea in international criminal
law, see Mohamed Badar, e Concept of Mens Re a in International Criminal L aw:  e Ca se for a
Uni ed Approach (Bloomsbury Publ ishing 2013).

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