Statement in support of an application for divorce or (judicial) separation on the ground of adultery

Published date21 March 2018
Subject MatterDivorce and civil partnership dissolution forms
Statement in support of
divorce/(judicial) separation –
Section 1(2)(a) Matrimonial Causes Act 1973
To be completed by the Petitioner
Name of court Case No.
Name of Petitioner
Name of Respondent
Name of Co-Respondent (if applicable)
If completing this form by hand, please use black ink a nd BLOCK CAPITAL LETTERS and tick the boxes that apply.
Note: Adulter y will apply only to conduct between the respo ndent and a person of the opposite sex.
About the petition
1. Have you read the petition for divorce (judicial) separation in this case?
Yes N o
2. Do you wish to alter or add to any statement in the divorce/(judicial) separation petition?
If Yes, please state the alterations or additions to be made.
Yes N o
3. Subject to these alterations or additions (if any) is everything stated in your divorce/(judicial) separation
petition true?
If any statement is not within your own knowledge, please indicate this and state whether it is true to the
best of your information and belief.
Yes N o
D80A Statement in support - Adultery (04.14) © Crown Copyright 2014

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