Submissions open on Aurora Energy proposal.

Published date27 March 2024

M2 PRESSWIRE-March 27, 2024-: Submissions open on Aurora Energy proposal



The latest news from Dunedin City Council.

Mayor of Dunedin Jules Radich is encouraging the public to have their say on the Dunedin City Council's Aurora Energy proposal.

Public submissions on the proposal are now open and will close at 12 noon on 2 May 2024.

Mr Radich says, "We are committed to consulting with our community - and Aurora's customers - on this proposal, and we will be listening carefully to what they have to say, so I encourage everyone to tell us what you think."

There are a range of ways people can find out more information about the proposal, including drop-in sessions before community board meetings in Dunedin, at the DCC's Plaza Meeting Room at scheduled times and at the Otago Farmers Market.

The DCC is also sending a postcard with key points and a QR code for further information to all Dunedin homes.

A range of other material, including the statement of proposal, will also be available online, in...

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