Syndromic Multiplex Panels Market Research Report 2024: Global Analysis, Strategies, Trends and Forecasts to 2028 with Executive Guides.

Published date27 March 2024

M2 PRESSWIRE-March 27, 2024-: Syndromic Multiplex Panels Market Research Report 2024: Global Analysis, Strategies, Trends and Forecasts to 2028 with Executive Guides



The "Syndromic Multiplex Panels Markets. Strategies and Trends. Forecasts by Syndrome (Respiratory, Sepsis, GI etc.) by Place, by Product and by Country. With Market Analysis and Executive Guides. 2024 to 2028" report has been added to's offering.

Infectious disease Dx is changing and will change more in the future. Can a rapidly growing market expand even faster? Find out all about it in this comprehensive report on Syndromic Multiplex Diagnostics.

Are targeted tests for specific pathogens going to be obsolete? Will diagnostics replace physicians? Will Infectious Disease testing move into the Physician's Office or even the Home?

Learn about this market including the issues and outlooks. The two key trends of Point of Care Testing and Molecular Diagnostics are merging with spectacular success. It could possibly displace most frontline test protocols AND save money at the same time. The report forecasts the market size for five years and even further with a later updated report with next years numbers.

Key Topics Covered:

1 Market Guides1.1 Situation Analysis1.2 Guide for Executives and Marketing Staff1.3 Guide for Investment Analysts and Management Consultants

2 Introduction and Market Definition2.1 What are Syndromic Multiplex Tests?2.2 Syndromic Testing - the quiet revolution in diagnostics2.2.1 Syndromic Testing - more than Panels.2.3 Market Definition2.4 Methodology2.5 Perspective: Healthcare and the IVD Industry2.5.1 Global Healthcare Spending2.5.2 Spending on Diagnostics2.5.3 Important Role of Insurance for Diagnostics

3 Infectious Disease3.1 Infections - The Big Picture3.2 The Pathogens3.2.1 Bacteria3.2.2 Fungi and Protozoa3.2.3 Viruses3.2.4 Prions3.3 Symptoms and Syndromes3.3.1 Bacterial or viral3.3.2 Typical Viral Symptoms3.3.3 Typical Bacterial Symptoms3.4 Disease3.5 Transmission3.6 Infectious Disease Diagnostics3.6.1 Microbial culture3.6.2 Microscopy3.6.3 Biochemical tests3.6.4 PCR-based diagnostics3.6.5 Metagenomic sequencing3.7 Defining Infections3.8 Syndromic Infection

4 Industry Overview4.1 Players in a Dynamic Market4.1.1 Academic Research Lab4.1.2 Diagnostic Test Developer4.1.3 Instrumentation Supplier4.1.4 Chemical/Reagent Supplier4.1.5 Pathology Supplier4.1.6 Independent Clinical Laboratory4.1.7 Public...

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