Table of Contents

Date01 December 2017
Published date01 December 2017
Journal of Law and Society
(Formerly the British Journal of Law and Society)
`On the Perimeter of the Lawful': Enduring Illegality
in the Irish Family Planning Movement,
1972±1985 . . . . . ............. Emilie Cloatre and Ma
Âad Enright 471
Bodily Integrity, Embodiment, and the Regulation
of Parental Choice . . . . ......... Marie Fox and Michael Thomson 501
Family (Law) Assemblages: New Modes of Being
(Legal) . . .................. Frederik Swennen and Mariano Croce 532
The Effects of Changes to Legal Aid on Lawyers'
Professional Identity and Behaviour in Summary
Criminal Cases: A Case Study . .... ................... Lucy Welsh 559
Starting Out on a Judicial Career: Gender Diversity and the
Appointment of Recorders, Circuit Judges, and Deputy
High Court Judges, 1996±2016 . ............... Michael Blackwell 586
Overseeing Criminal Justice ± The Supervisory Role of
the Public Prosecution Service in China . . . . . ............. Yu Mou 620
Renegotiating Social Citizenship in the Age of
Devolution . . . . . ..................................... Mark Simpson 646
Power Relations in Employment
Disputes ..... ....................... Emily Rose and Nicole Busby 674
Book Reviews
Lizzie Barmes: Bullying and Behavioural Conflict
at Work . ................................................ Alan Bogg 702
Sue Westwood: Ageing, Gender and Sexuality . .......... Craig Lind 709

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