Table of Statutory Instruments

AuthorNigel Davis

Table of Statutory Instruments

References are to page numbers.

Agricultural Holdings (Arbitration on Notices) Order 1987

(SI 1987/710) 61, 62, 183 art 3(1) 183 art 3(2) 95 art 4(1) 185 art 4(2)(a) 185 art 6(2) 186 art 7 186 art 9 95, 181, 185 art 10 95, 181, 185 art 11 95 Agricultural Land Tribunals (Rules) Order 1978

(SI 1978/259) 189 Agricultural Land Tribunals (Rules) Order 2007

(SI 2007/3105) reg 3 189 Sch – Agricultural Land Tribunals Rules
r 4(2) 93, 99 r 39 94, 96 r 41(1), (2) 98 Agricultural Land Tribunals (Succession to Agricultural

Tenancies) Order 1984 (SI 1984/1301) 189 Agriculture (Calculation of Value for Compensation)

Regulations 1978 (SI 1978/809) 66 Agriculture (Calculation of Value for Compensation)

(Amendment) Regulations 1981 (SI 1981/822) 66 Agriculture (Calculation of Value for Compensation)

(Amendment) Regulations 1983 (SI 1983/1475) 67

Agriculture (Calculation of Value for Compensation)

(Revocation) (England) Regulations 2015 (SI 2015/327) 67

xxvi Agricultural Tenancies

Agriculture (Maintenance, Repair and Insurance of Fixed

Equipment) Regulations 1973 (SI 1973/1473) 55, 86 Sch
para 4 91, 92 para 12(1) 92 para 12(5)(a) 93...

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