Tentative Information, Inside Information, Price‐sensitive Information and Materiality

Published date01 January 1996
Date01 January 1996
AuthorAhal Besorai
Journal of Financial Crime Vol. 3 No. 3 Financial Fraud
Tentative Information, Inside Information, Price-sensitive
Information and Materiality
Ahal Besorai
The disclosure requirements derived from the
Listing Rules either expressly or by implication
require disclosure of 'material' information.1 These
Rules also contain ample provisions which expli-
citly require the disclosure of tentative informa-
tion.2 The term tentative information predomi-
nantly focuses on forward-looking information,
that is, information the verification of which is not
objectively ascertainable, either due to a lack of
substantiating data or because the information con-
sists primarily of objective evaluations or opinions.
It is trite that before information can warrant
disclosure, it must be material for otherwise it
might be misleading. But when docs information
become material? In determining the materiality of
any item information it is necessary to look to the
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