The Judicial Pensions and Retirement Act 1993 (Addition of Qualifying Judicial Offices) Order 2015

JurisdictionUK Non-devolved
CitationSI 2015/109

2015No. 109


The Judicial Pensions and Retirement Act 1993 (Addition of Qualifying Judicial Offices) Order 2015




The Secretary of State, in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 1(8) and 30(1) of the Judicial Pensions and Retirement Act 1993( 1), makes the following Order:

Citation and commencement

1. This Order may be cited as the Judicial Pensions and Retirement Act 1993 (Addition of Qualifying Judicial Offices) Order 2015 and comes into force on 2nd March 2015.

Amendment of Schedule 1 to the Judicial Pensions and Retirement Act 1993

2. In Part 1 of Schedule 1 to the Judicial Pensions and Retirement Act 1993( 2) (the offices which may be qualifying judicial offices)-

(a) for "Sheriff Principal or sheriff in Scotland" substitute "Sheriff...

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