The new Lied Library at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas: introduction

Date01 March 2002
Published date01 March 2002
AuthorBrad Eden
The new Lied Library at
the University of
Nevada, Las Vegas:
Brad Eden
It is with great pride and sense of achievement
that the faculty and staff of the new Lied
Library at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas
offer this collection of articles and insights on
the process of planning and implementing
technology in the $55.3 million Lied Library,
which opened to the public in January 2001. It
has been an exciting and exhilarating feeling to
see the growing use of the new library, as well as
observe the sense of pride and ownership which
the faculty, staff, and students of UNLV have
exhibited towards it.
``If you build it, they will come'' is an often-
cited quotation regarding public perception and
use of new buildings. For the new Lied Library
at UNLV, this axiom has proven true beyond all
expectations, as can be seen in just a sample of
statistics compiled by our director of public
services for our first ten months of use:
.Building visits (gate counts) ± up
83 percent. Average daily visits in Lied:
3,208; in former library: 1,724.
.Highest monthly visitation to date ±
151,423 in October 2001 (an average of
4,885 visits/day and a 123 percent increase
over October 2000 visits in the former
.Research and information desk transactions
± up 23 percent.
.Circulation ± up 13 percent ±
approximately 30 percent of checkout is
done by patrons using the self-check
The author
Brad Eden is Head, Bibliographic and Metadata Services,
University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas,
Nevada, USA.
Construction management, Architecture, Libraries
This special issue of
Library Hi Tech
includes a collection of
nine articles describing the planning, implementation, and
preliminary measurements on the technology incorporated
into Lied Library.
Electronic access
The research register for this journal is available at
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is
available at
Theme articles
The author thanks Michael Seadle and the editorial
board of Library Hi Tech for the opportunity to
organize this special issue devoted to the planning
and implementation of technology in UNLV's new
Lied Library. The author also wishes to thank all of
the faculty and staff in Lied Library who contributed
to this special issue, as it was a combined effort that
involved numerous collaborations and writing
assignments in addition to job duties and
responsibilities. The author especially wishes to
thank Shelley Heaton and Toby Murray, who served
on an internal editorial board that greatly assisted
him in the review and revision of the various articles
submitted; Paulette Nelson and Thonni Morikawa
for their expertise and assistance with the digital
photographs. Finally, this issue is dedicated to the
faculty, staff, and students of the University of
Nevada, Las Vegas, for whom this new library
building and the technology it contains was planned
and constructed.
Library Hi Tech
Volume 20 .Number 1 .2002 .pp. 8±11
#MCB UP Limited .ISSN 0737-8831
DOI 10.1108/07378830210428151

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