Thorpe against Beer

JurisdictionEngland & Wales
Judgment Date05 February 1819
Date05 February 1819
CourtCourt of the King's Bench

English Reports Citation: 106 E.R. 403


Thorpe against Beer

thorpe against beer. Friday, Feb. 5th, 1819. Practice. Waiver of irregularity. Gaselee had obtained a rule nisi for setting aside a writ of execution for irregularity, on the ground that a writ of error had been previously sued out and allowed, although it had not been served. It [374] appeared that the writ of error was sued out on the 12th November, returnable on the 29th. Judgment was signed on the 22d of November; notice of taxation of costs...

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2 cases
  • Jaques v Caesar
    • United Kingdom
    • Court of the King's Bench
    • 1 January 1845
    ...having been communicated to the Judge on the former application, the defendant was now too late to take advantage of the irregularity. 2 B. & A. 373, Thorpe v. Seer. Tidd's Pract 1187. (t) If the bail put in be sham bail, the plaintiff may treat them as a nullity, and issue execution. 1 B. ......
  • Crawford v Gillmor
    • Ireland
    • High Court
    • 21 December 1891
    ...Before LORD ASHBOURNE, C., SIR P. O'BRIEN, C.J., and BARRY, L.J. (1891. No. 4565.) CRAWFORD and GILLMOR James v. StantonENR 2 B. & Ald. 373. Kenna v. NugentUNK Ir. R. 7 C. L. 464. Coneys v. ConeysUNK 8 Ir. C. L. R. 379. Williams v. HealesELR L. R. 9 C. P. 177. Doe d. Higginbotham v. BartonE......

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