Top Tips for Academics Engaging with the Media

Published date01 June 2024
AuthorStephanie Luke,Kate Dommett
Date01 June 2024
In the run up to the general election
many academics will be thinking
about opportunities to engage with
the media, but getting started or
expanding your existing work can often
be challenging. In this piece, we provide
top tips for those looking to do more
media work. Drawing from a recent event
with journalists at the Political Studies
Association’s (PSA) annual conference
in Glasgow, in March 2024, and from
interviews with academics experienced at
working with the media, we asked for their
thoughts about where to get started, what
Top Tips for
Academics Engaging
with the Media
Working with journalists has become an increasingly important part
of academic life. But how do you start engaging with the media? And
what factors should you consider before saying ‘yes’ to a press request?
Stephanie Luke and Kate Dommett consider the do’s and don’ts.
makes a good media contribution and
what common mistakes to avoid.
1. What’s the story?
By the time most of us think about writing
for the media, we’ve often spent months,
if not years working on our topic, but that
doesn’t necessarily mean our findings
are newsworthy. Journalists might find
our work interesting, but not see how or
why our work connects to the news cycle.
This makes it vital for us to think about
Political Insight June 2024 BU.indd 24Political Insight June 2024 BU.indd 24 23/05/2024 15:2823/05/2024 15:28

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