Trade with Africa Act 1697
Jurisdiction | UK Non-devolved |
Citation | 1697 c. 26 |
Year | 1697 |
(9 Will. 3) C A P. XXVI.
'WHEREAS the Trade toAfrica is highly beneficial and advantageous to this Kingdom, and to the Plantations and Colonies thereunto belonging: And whereas Forts and Castles are undoubtedly necessary for the Preservation and well carrying on the said Trade: And whereas the Forts and Castles now on the said Coast of Africa have been, and now are, maintained at the sole Cost and Charge of the present Royal African Company of England ; towards which Charge it is most reasonable that all Persons trading to such Parts of the said Coast of Africa , as are herein after limited and appointed, should contribute;' Be it therefore enacted, &c.
‘RoyalAfrican Company shall maintain, &c. all their Forts, Castes, &c. and supply the same with Men, Artillery, &c. King's Subjects as well as the said Company may trade to Africa , between Cape Mount and the Cape of Good Hope , paying 10 l. per Cent . &c. Master, &c. shall enter his Name and Ship, &c. 15 Days before cleared from Port. Owner or Exporter to make Entry of Goods shipped on Oath, sign the Entry, and pay the Duty, &c. Master, &c. to take an Oath. On Exportation of Merchandizes from the Colonies, &c. inAmerica to Africa , Exporter to swear that such Merchandize was imported there from England , Master and one of the Owners to give Bond, &c. for Ships sailing to Africa , &c. Officers of the Custom House to take such Bonds, and keep distinct Entries, &c. Company to have a Duplicate of such Entries, &c. Officer to pay the Sum received deducting 5 l. per Cent . Subjects of England may trade to Africa between Cape Blancho and Cape Mount , paying 10 l. per Cent . for Goods exported, and 10 l. per Cent . on all Goods, &c. imported into England or America , from Africa , &c. Master and Traders, &c. to make the like Entry and Oath, and give Bond as aforesaid, &c. Master lading Ship between Cape Blancho and Cape Mount , before landing shall deliver a Particular of his Cargo on Oath. Goods imported from Africa into England or America shall be entred on Oath, &c. and pay the Duty. Collector, &c. to take the Entries, and deduct 5 l. per Cent . Except Duties arising by the Exports and Imports of the Royal African Company. Company to give an Account yearly to the Cursitor Baron of the Exchequer of Monies received, &c. Goods landed before Entry forfeited. Ships sailing to Africa , &c. and not duly entred, forfeited. Subjects of Engla...
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