UKG Named a Leader in HCM | UKG.

Published date16 April 2024

M2 PRESSWIRE-April 16, 2024-: UKG Named a Leader in HCM | UKG



* Nucleus Research HCM Technology Value Matrix 2024 highlights UKG Pro focus on building great workplaces

LOWELL, Mass., and WESTON, Fla. - UKG Pro, the AI-powered HCM suite designed for larger organizations that prioritize cultures of trust and belonging, is a Leader in the Nucleus Research HCM Technology Value Matrix 2024 report. This latest honor comes on the heels of UKG being named a Leader in The Forrester Wave(TM): Human Capital Management Q2 2023 report, a Leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Cloud HCM Suites report, and earning the highest overall score in the 2023 Gartner Critical Capabilities for Cloud HCM Suites for the North American Use Case.

Each year, Nucleus Research assesses enterprise HCM vendors based on criteria including product usability, with UKG earning the highest positioning for both categories. With artificial intelligence (AI), generative AI (GenAI), and machine learning (ML) trained on the world's largest collection of people data, work data, and culture data, UKG Pro is praised by Nucleus Research for giving larger organizations the tools, insights, and resources needed to create great workplace experiences for all people, which drives better business results.

"I have never experienced an HCM solution with as much engagement power as UKG," said Tina Barte, vice president of HR for Heartland Motor Company. "UKG has generated amazing outcomes for our people with technology that allows us to meet them where they are by soliciting feedback - and then taking action on that feedback - to elevate our culture and build trust as well as a deepened sense of belonging."

In its report, Nucleus highlights a variety of innovative and people-centric solutions that differentiate the UKG Pro suite, including:

* UKG Bryte, the AI-powered sidekick that helps guide employees, people managers, HR leaders, and executives with insights, recommendations, and best practices they need to simplify decision-making.

* UKG Great Place To Work[R] Hub, the industry-first solution that empowers organizations to build inclusive and equitable cultures based on more than 30 years of research and proprietary data from more than 100 million employee experiences.

* UKG One View, the transformative multi-country payroll solution that helps multinational companies bring simplicity and real-time visibility to global payroll through a first-of-its-kind...

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