Use of the Mental Health Act 1983 in England 2008-13

AuthorMichael Butler

Appendix 7

Use of the Mental Health Act 1983 in England 2008–13

The following figures show the number of individuals made subject to various provisions of the MHA 1983 in England in the years 2008–13. The figures are provided by the Health and Social Care Information Centre.

2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Part II of the MHA 1983 Detention on admission

Section 2 16,153 18,385 19,163 20,931 22,477 Section 3 9,601 9,545 8,174 7,701 7,776 Detention following admission

Informal to section 2 3,788 3,391 3,347 3,398 3,974 Informal to section 3 5,003 4,658 4,199 4,114 3,895 Section 5(2) to section 2 2,539 2,666 2,973 3,264 3,601 Section 5(2) to section 3 2,623 2,443 2,309 2,437 2,361 Section 5(4) to section 2 106 41 72 63 57 Section 5(4) to section 3 55 37 40 22 41 Section 4 to section 2 476 408 401 344 280 Section 4 to section 3 111 68 56 38 40

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