VI National and Area Studies Études Nationales et Régionales

Date01 December 2017
Published date01 December 2017
Subject MatterAbstracts

ADAMSKY, Dmitry — L'évolution de la pensée stratégique
tion through migration in Russia and Turkey. Journal of
et de l'art opératif russes (The evolution of Russian stra-
Ethnic and Migration Studies 43(7-8), 2017 : 1101-1120.
tegic thought and operative art). Revue Défense nationale
801, Juin 2017 : 85-92.
This article argues that Russia and Turkey radically reframed their
projects of nation-building around the turn of the 21st c., and the migra-
A la suite du conflit en Géorgie, Moscou a entrepris de réviser sa doc-
tion patterns between the Caucasus, Central Asia, Middle East, Russia,
trine militaire en la modernisant, tout en donnant aux armées de nou-
and Turkey reinforce these new projects of nationhood, aimed at reshap-
veaux moyens pour agir sur un éventail beaucoup plus large. Les
ing society and building a new collective identity. By focusing on the
dernières opérations confirment le bien-fondé des choix faits aux yeux
nineteenth and the early twentieth century, most studies of nationalism
du Kremlin. [R] [Cf Abstr. 67.7318]
and nation-building overlook the decisive transformations nation-building
projects have been going through, particularly in Eurasia since the
collapse of the Soviet Union. There is an observable and major change
AGARTAN, Kaan — Beyond politics of privatization: a
in the definition of the nation not just in post-Soviet Central Asia and the
reinterpretation of Turkish exceptionalism. Journal of Bal-
Caucasus where it is somewhat less surprising but also in Russia and
kan and Near Eastern Studies 19(2), Apr. 2017 : 136-152.
even in Turkey, which was not part of the Soviet Union. [R, abr.]
This paper probes into the underlying factors for the exceptionally slow
progress of mass privatizations in Turkey until the first decade of the 21st
ALLOUCHE, Jeremy — Politics, exit strategy and political
c. Challenging the mainstream political economy perspectives which
settlement in Sierra Leone: a critical analysis of a labora-
often interpret Turkish “exceptionalism” by focusing either on rationally
motivated actors articulating their interests or on flaws in the institutional
tory experiment (1991-2015). Conflict Security and Devel-
opment 17(3), May 2017 : 225-246.
infrastructure as decisive impediments, the paper emphasizes the role of
ideology, and particularly of national developmentalism, as a long-term,
A glance at key indicators will project Sierra Leone as a political settle-
deep-rooted structural dynamic shaping the fate of privatization attempts
ment model for a post-conflict state. Sierra Leone has been an important
in the 1980s and 1990s. [R, abr.]
laboratory for UN and international donors’ interventions and thinking.
However, efforts by the international donor community to decentralise
power to the margins, both geographically and demographically, have
AĞDEMIR, Murat — Relations between Israel and the
failed. Instead, this focus on the institutions of governance has allowed
South Cyprus Greek administration: a new alignment in
the same elite to maintain power. Sierra Leone today shares similar
the Eastern Mediterranean? Perceptions. Journal of Inter-
socio-economic and political conditions with the Sierra Leone before the
national Affairs 21(2), Summer 2016 : 103-126.
outbreak of the civil war. A detailed analysis of the country’s socio-
Important changes have shaped the Eastern Mediterranean since the
economic trends, its political institutions and the logic and dynamics of
discovery of energy resources and the disintegration of Turkish-Israeli
violence show a disturbing picture. [R, abr.] [See Abstr. 67.6554]
relations. The widening divergence in interests between Turkey and
Israel provided the geopolitical impetus for the development of a rap-
prochement between Israel and the South Cyprus Greek Administration
ANGELO, Paul — The Colombian peace process: trial and
(SCGA). Shortly after the 2010 Gaza-bound Freedom Flotil a, Israel
error. Survival 59(1), Feb.-March 2017 : 135-148.
began forming ties with the SCGA. In particular, the relations between
To satisfy popular demands for justice, while advancing the long quest
Israel and the SCGA have blossomed over mutual concerns about the
for an enduring peace, the Colombian government must learn from past
energy resources in the Eastern Mediterranean, while at the same time
mistakes. [R]
political, military and economic cooperation among Israel, Greece and
the SCGA have significantly increased. [R, abr.]
ATTOMA, John d’ — Divided nation: the North-South
cleavage in Italian tax compliance. Polity 49(1), Jan. 2017 :
AHNEN, Ronald — Leftist politics and the limits of micro-
credit in Argentina. Journal of Politics in Latin America,
It is well known that tax-compliance is low in Italy, and lower in the South
2017(2) : 41-62.
than in the North. Many scholars have examined Italian taxpayer behav-
The success of microcredit lending programs depends in part on the
ior, mainly using experiments and surveys. However, little attention has
been given to the historical circumstances that have shaped divergent
regulatory framework that policymakers create to support them. A fact
taxpayer behavior by Northern and Southern Italians. This article uses
that many microcredit analyses often ignore or overlook is that this
historical data from Italian unification through the Second Republic to
framework is shaped by both ideological and partisan political considera-
tions of policymakers. In Argentina, the Peronist governments of N. and
assess the effects of Italy’s major formal institutions (the church, state,
and political parties) and informal institutions (clientelism) on Italian tax
C. Kirchner launched and supported a state-centered microcredit pro-
behavior. It argues that 19th-c. unification had significant repercussions:
gram characterized by strict loan conditions and direct state grants for
since Southern clientelism favored private interests and Northern clien-
capital and operational costs to existing non-profit organizations that
were largely supportive of Peronism. Provinces and municipalities gov-
telism led to the construction of public institutions, this created two
different tax-compliance environments. [R, abr.]
erned by anti-Peronists refused to participate. This article explores the
impact of the left’s ideological and political project on microcredit policy,
implementation, and outcomes in Argentina. [R, abr.]
AYATA, Bilgin — Migration und das europäische Grenzre-
gime nach den arabischen Revolutionen (Migration and
AKRIVOULIS, Dimitrios E. — Memory, forgiveness and
the European border regime after the Arab revolutions).
Leviathan Suppl. 31, 2017 : 114-133.
unfinished justice in the former Yugoslavia. Journal of
Balkan and Near Eastern Studies 19(4), Aug. 2017 : 366-387.
This article analyses migration and the European border regime in the
Drawing its examples from the case of the former Yugoslavia, the paper
context of the Arab revolutions. It argues that the protests that toppled
the authoritarian regimes in the region also brought down the European
explores the difficult intersections of justice, memory and forgiveness,
where the present bears the traces of a violent past of inter-communal
border regime, as the dictators in Tunisia and Libya acted as border
guards of Europe. Five years after the uprisings however, the EU is
conflict and mass crimes. It specifically delves into the limits of institu-
reinstal ing its failed policies despite the negative political consequences,
tional attempts to respond in a redemptory and permanent manner to the
as the refugee deal with Turkey il ustrates. [R] [See Abstr. 67.6521]
claims for justice in a political community scarred by such a tormenting
past. It examines three judicial or semi-judicial manifestations of memory
based on how they relate to the past(s) of the former Yugoslavia: (1) the
BAINES, Joseph — Accumulating through food crisis?
punishment of the perpetrators, (2) the recognition of the crimes commit-
Farmers, commodity traders and the distributional poli-
ted, and (3) forgetfulness in the name of peace and progress. [R, abr.]
tics of financialization. Review of International Political
Economy 24(3), June 2017 : 497-537.
AKTURK, Sener — Post-imperial democracies and new
This paper considers the domestic and international ramifications of
projects of nationhood in Eurasia: transforming the na-
financialization and grain price instability in the US agri-food sector. It


National and area studies
finds that during the recent period of high and volatile prices, the average
gration and civic integration in Western Europe, 1995-
income of large-scale farms reached the earnings threshold of the top
2009. Acta politica 52(2), Apr. 2017 : 156-178.
percentile of US households, and agricultural commodity traders marked-
ly outperformed other corporate groups. In contrast, small-scale farms,
[In] which circumstances do politicians differentiate among immigrants?
particularly those involved in cattle and wheat production, have struggled
When they do, why do they in some countries focus on Muslim immi-
to manage the uncertainty brought by price tumult. The paper goes on to
grants rather than national or...

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