West Midlands Trains Limited 8 December 2020
Date | Fecha inválida |
Section | Track access notices of consent |
Head Office: 25 Cabot Square, London E14 4QZ T: 020 7282 2000 www.orr.gov.uk
David Reed
Senior Executive, Access & Licensing
: 0207 282 3754
-mail: david.reed@orr.gov.uk
4 December 2020
Paul Harris
NW & C Customer Manager
Network Rail
Infrastructure Limited
rville House, Centenary Square
Broad St
Birmingham B1 2ND
James Carter
Network Access Manager
West Midlands Trains Limited
134 Edmund Street
Birmingham B3 2ES
Dear Paul and James
Consent to supplement the track usage price list (Class 196)
We have today consented to supplement the track usage price list, following a joint
proposal submitted to us by the above on 13 November 2020, under paragraph 9 of Part 2
of schedule 7 to their track access contract. The change shall have effect from the date on
which the vehicles were first used on the network by the train operator.
The purpose of this supplement is to amend the Passenger Variable Usage Charge (VUC)
Rates section of the Track Usage Price List to include new Class 196/0 and Class 196/1
Motor vehicle types. They have been operating on the network since 23 July 2020.
Industry consultation
There is no requirement for industry consultation in this matter as the changes do not
affect any other train operating company.
ORR review
We reviewed the proposal from a technical and economic viewpoint and were content with
the values proposed.
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