Withdrawal of appeal or claim

Published date21 March 2018
Subject MatterSpecial Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal forms
Withdrawing an appeal or claim
SEND8 - Withdrawing an appeal or cl aim (07.18) © Crown copyright 2018
Special Educational Needs and Disa bility Tribunal
Appeal/claim number Name of local authority or responsible body
Name of child/young person Hearing date
/ /
You must f‌ill in this section
This notice of withdrawal must be signed by the same person (or people) who signed the notice of appeal or claim form.
I wish to withdraw my appeal/claim to the Special Educational Needs and Disabilit y tribunal
I understand that you will not take any further action on this appeal/claim
Name of parent/young person
/ /
Name of parent
/ /
Please return your completed form to:
Special Educational Needs and Disabilit y Tribunal
1st Floor, Darlington Magistrates Court
For monitoring purposes
It would be helpful to know why you want to withdraw your appeal. Please tick the most appropriate box.
The local authority have agreed with my appeal I have changed my mind
I have reached an agreement with the local
authority/responsible body
I have reached an agreement with the local
authority/responsible body using a disagreement
resolution or mediation service
Another reason (please give details in the box below)
Use this form if you wish to withdraw your or your child’s appeal or claim
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