No. 42-2, June 2015
- Books Received
- Fishing for Precarious Status Migrants: Surveillant Assemblages of Migrant Illegalization in Toronto, Canada
- Graham Dukes, John Braithwaite, and J.P. Moloney: Pharmaceuticals, Corporate Crime and Public Health
- Hauke Brunkhorst: Critical Theory of Legal Revolutions: Evolutionary Perspectives
- Legal Education, Social Mobility, and Employability: Possible Selves, Curriculum Intervention, and the Role of Legal Work Experience
- Mike McConville and Luke Marsh: Criminal Judges: Legitimacy, Courts and State‐induced Guilty Pleas in Britain
- Revolution Blues: The Reconstruction of Health and Safety Law as ‘Common‐sense’ Regulation
- SLSA E‐Newsletter
- Title by Registration: Instituting Modern Property Law and Creating Racial Value in the Settler Colony
- Trust and Legal Governance: A Case Study of Ethiopian Criminal Justice