No. 46-1, March 1991
- Atlanticism without the Wall: Transatlantic Co-Operation and the Transformation of Europe
- Being There: North America and the Variable Geometry of European Security
- Canada and the United States in a Changing Global Context
- Canada in a Twin-Pillared Alliance: The ‘Dumbbell’ May Just Have to Do
- Japan and the International System: Challenge from the Pacific
- Limits to Liberalism
- Review: Canada: Canada and the International Seabed
- Review: Canada: Canada since
- Review: Canada: Diefenbaker's World
- Review: Canada: Making Free Trade Work
- Review: Canada: On Guard for Thee
- Review: Canada: Pirouette
- Review: International Relations Theory: Came Theory and National Security
- Review: International Relations Theory: Global Order, World of Our Making
- Review: International Relations Theory: Power and Tactics in International Negotiation
- Review: International Relations Theory: Right V. Might
- Review: International Relations Theory: The Balance of Power
- Review: International Relations Theory: The Onset of World War
- Review: International Relations Theory: Universal Human Rights in Theory and Practice
- Soviet Strategy: Implications for the Canadian-American Security Relationship
- The Future of North American Defence Co-Operation