No. 69-4, December 2022
- Co-creating rehabilitation: Findings from a pilot and implications for wider public service reform
- How probation officers understand and work with people on community supervision sentences to enhance compliance
- In Court
- Probation and the ethics of care
- Speaking with one voice? Probation as a profession and One HMPPS
- The reflective practitioner in transition. Probation work during reintegration of probation services in England and Wales
- Co-creating rehabilitation: Findings from a pilot and implications for wider public service reform
- How probation officers understand and work with people on community supervision sentences to enhance compliance
- In Court
- Probation and the ethics of care
- Speaking with one voice? Probation as a profession and One HMPPS
- The reflective practitioner in transition. Probation work during reintegration of probation services in England and Wales