4 H. 8. Keyleway, 200. Dyer, 161. Office, Record. 12 C. 2, cap. 24

JurisdictionEngland & Wales
Judgment Date01 January 1623
Date01 January 1623

English Reports Citation: 145 E.R. 132


4 H. 8. Keyleway, 200. Dyer, 161. Office, Record. 12 C. 2, cap. 24

cask VII. 4 H. 8. Keyleway, 200. Dyer, Hi I. Office, Record. 12 C. 2, cap. 24. An office finds that a manor is held of the King, but it does not mention any tenure : if there be any record whieh expresses the tenure, it will serve as well as if it had been found in the said offico. If an office mentions a tenure by knight's service, it is to be understood in capite. By all the judges. At common law, although a tenure of the King was only found ; that was understood a tenure in capite. Br. Cases, 141. But now by the statute of the second of 2 K 6, cap. 8, a melius inquirendum shall be awarded in this case.

English Reports Citation: 145 E.R. 133


10 H. 8 Keyleway, 198. By all the judges. Pardon, Relation, Nusance

cas.e XIII. 10 H. 8. Keyleway, 198. By all the judges. Pardon, delation, Nusunce, Wardship. The King's pardon of all offences and misdeeds contra formam |uorumcumque stututoruin, extends to the oflence of iuclosures against the statute of 7 H. 8, but it does riot extend to the continuance of the inclosnre after the said pardon, as of a nusance : a pardon of a nusanco does not extend to the continuance of the nusauce after the pardon ; for this continuance is a new nusanee, as the inclosurc is; for this is a depopulation continued. The heir of the King's tenant, within...

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