Militia (Ireland) Act 1809

Anno Regni GEORGII III. Britanniarum Regis,Quadragesimo nono. An Act to allow a Certain Proportion of the Militia inIreland voluntarily to enlist into His Majesty's Regular Forces.

(49 Geo. 3) C A P. V.

[13th March 1809]

'WHEREAS it is necessary that the most effectual Measures should be taken for augmenting His Majesty's Regular Forces; and it is therefore expedient to allow a certain Proportion of the Militia inIreland to enlist into His Majesty's Regular Forces, under certain Provisions and Restrictions; and to enable His Majesty to accept the Services of the Men so voluntarily enlisting: May it therefore please your Majesty that it may be enacted,' &c.

‘His Majesty, by Order, signified by the Lord Lieutenant ofIreland , &c. may appoint Regiments of the Regular Forces into which Militia Men may enlist. ∥ 1.’

S-II Number of Men to be enlisted shall not exceed such Number as will leave serving Three-fifths of the Establishment in each Regiment, whether augmented or not.

II Number of Men to be enlisted shall not exceed such Number as will leave serving Three-fifths of the Establishment in each Regiment, whether augmented or not.

II. And be it further enacted, That the Number of Private Men to be enlisted out of any Regiment of the said Militia, shall not in any Case exceed such Number of the Private Men of such Militia as will leave serving, including Corporals, Three-fifths of the Number of the Establishment in Rank and File of such Regiment, according to the Establishment thereof at the Time of such Enlistment, whether such Establishment shall have been augmented or not, under or by virtue of any Act in Force inIreland for that Purpose; and in case the Militia of any County shall consist of more than One Battalion, the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant or other Chief Governor or Governors of Ireland , shall ascertain the Number of Private Men that may be allowed to enlist out of each such Battalion, by the Proportion which the Number of Private Men serving in each Battalion bears to the whole Number of Private Men actually serving in the Militia of such County, and shall signify to the Commanding Officers of each of such Battalions, the Number of Private...

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