Tanners' Indemnity, etc. Act 1799

Anno Regni GEORGII III. tricesimo nono. An Act to indemnify all Persons who may have incurred Penalties or Forfeitures under an Act, passed in the second Year of the Reign of KingJames the First intituled, An Act concerning Tanners, Curriers, Shoemakers, and other Artificers occupying the cutting of Leather ; and to repeal Parts of the said Act, relating to the buying of Hides.

(39 Geo. 3) C A P. LIV.

[13th June 1799]

'WHEREAS by an Act, passed in the second Year of the Reign of his Majesty KingJames the First, intituled, An Act concerning Tanner, Curriers, Shoemakers, and other Artificers occupying the cutting of Leather , it is amongst other Things enacted, That no Person or Persons shall bargain, buy, make any Contract for, or bespeak, any Rough Hide, or Calve Skin in the Hair, but only such Person or Persons as by virtue of the said Act may lawfully use the Craft or Mystery of tanning of Leather, and shall tan the same, or such Person or Persons which shall taw the same; and that no Tanner or other Person or Persons shall forestal any Hides coming to any Fair or Market, nor shall buy any Hide any other where than in open Fair or Market, unless it be of such Person or Persons as shall kill the said Beast, whereof the said Hide shall be for the Provision of his or their own House or Houses, upon Pain of the Forfeiture therein mentioned: And whereas, notwithstanding the said Act, it has been usual and customary for Tanners to buy raw Hides of Persons who kill Beasts, whereof such Hides are taken, although such Beasts have not been killed for the Provision of their own House or Houses, in consequence of which Actions have been lately brought, and other Actions may be brought against Tanners and others who have so bought raw Hides, on the Ground that such Buying is contrary to the Prohibition of the said Act: And whereas the Practice of so buying Hides was not introduced by the Persons against whom Actions have been brought, but has been prevailing many Years, and particularly the Hides of Beasts bought and killed for the Publick Service have usually been sold to Tanners, and not in Publick Markets, and have been again sold by the Purchasers without tanning or tawing the same; and it will be injurious to the Publick Service if such Hides shall not continue to be so sold: And whereas the Actions so brought might be attended with the Ruin of the Defendants: In order therefore to prevent such Litigation, Expence, and Mischief, may it please your...

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